Touch it, feel it, talk about it

Hands-on somatic-emotional integration for sustainable wellbeing

Together we listen to the mindbody connection to help you manage stress, adapt & connect in a time of change.

Meet Camilla

Camilla Griggers, PhD

Using a somatic psychology approach that includes empathetic and affective listening touch, I mentor clients to listen to the mindbody connection to regulate stress, heal from trauma, and become more balanced and adaptive in the face of change. By doing this, you improve your self-care and the care you give to the people in your life. Because by taking care of yourself, you have more resources and know-how for caretaking in your intimate relationships, families and communities. That’s critical at a time when over 50% of Americans already have one or more chronic illness, including mental illnesses and mood disorders, because the body, mind and emotions are all connected.

My perspective on mindbody health is integrative and interdisciplinary. As a former university professor who taught cultural semiotics, media studies and gender studies before diving into the world of hands-on holistic healing practices, today I integrate somatics (the language of the body), semantics (the language of linguistics) and sentics (the language of the emotions) in my healing arts practice, my writings and holistic health consulting. Using an integrative toolkit, I help you make fast internal changes that last.

Body psychology in cultural context

Work with me

Learn to integrate, self-regulate and be more resilient.

1-on-1 Sessions

In person, hands-on, sitting or lying on a massage table. Or virtually via Zoom or FaceTime. For when you need to change a dysfunctional habit, get stressed, trigger a painbody, feel emotionally swept to sea, or check out and need help gathering all your parts, getting grounded and moving forward with grace and ease. We’ll listen together to charged body memories to get to the bottom of what you need to be whole.

Self-Care Plan

Self-care is the first healthcare. Together we touch, feel and talk our way through an emotionally connected and honest assessment of 12 self-care skills. From there, we create a 90-day personalized Self-Care Plan to instigate some changes in your habitual patterns with the intention to optimize your moods, mental focus and physical sense of wellbeing and to reduce your risk of chronic ill health and mindbody imbalance.

Holistic Health Consulting

Bring me on-site or team up with me virtually to co-create a program that works for your business, organization or school. I’m happy to help kickstart healthy change by educating your community about preventive self-care practices easily within reach for everyone.

Want fast changes in what you think, feel, say and do in order to adapt, heal and grow? Read this book!

What Fast Therapy clients are saying

Alice D.


Alice Dixson, actress

“I was so happy with the results of my first 10-day fast—which included kicking a two-year sleeping pill addiction—when the opportunity to do it again arose, I knew it was time for a follow up. The second round of Fast Therapy was even better, because I saw the cleansing effects all the way past day 10 to day 14. My benefits included mental clarity, better sleep and digestion, weight loss, emotional balance and peace, not to mention more energy and clearer skin. Would I do it a third time? Absolutely!”

Alexcia P.


“Fast Therapy completely shifted my relationship to food, my body and my awareness of self. I realized after 10 days of fasting that I’d been constantly consuming and not really pausing to give myself permission and time to let go. I realized I was addicted to food, to consumption itself. I now honor the process of consuming only what I really need in my Core Self and then releasing waste and negative feelings. Fast Therapy is now part of my life, and I know if I need to emotionally or physically cleanse, it’s easy.”

Mark K.


“Doing Fast Therapy taught me how to detox my colon, liver and gallbladder. And guess what? My back and shoulder pain disappeared. But the next thing I learned was the real game-changer. I was guided to do emotional healing work at the same time. I realized I needed to change how I was in relationship. Like why I wasn’t. That really opened my heart and mind.”

Want to learn more about fasting therapy?

Why chronic illness prevention should be part of your self-care plan

Lifelong mindbody health starts with emotional honesty about family history, environment risk factors, and self-care skills.

How well do you practice these 12 self-care essentials?

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